How much caffeine is safe for me?

Halal Data Bank

20 November 2024

In May 2015, The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a report on the safety of caffeine. They looked at research on the short-term adverse effects of caffeine such as interrupted sleep, anxiety and behavioral changes and increased blood pressure.
EFSA’s advice for those without underlying health problems such as hypertension, is that:
Pregnant and breast-feeding women: Daily intakes of caffeine up to 200mg do not raise safety concerns for the unborn child or breast-fed child. For breast-feeding women, single doses of caffeine up to 200mg are not a safety concern for the child.
Adults: Single doses of caffeine up to 200mg and daily intakes of caffeine up to 400mg do not raise safety concerns.
Children and Adolescents: Single doses of caffeine up to 3mg/kg body weight (bw) and daily intakes of caffeine up to 3mg/kg bw do not raise safety concerns. For a 10-year-old child weighing 30kg, this would work out to around 90mg of caffeine. Even a small can of energy drink can contain up to 200mg of caffeine and exceed the recommended daily intake for a child.

Our Advice:
Based on current scientific opinions on the safety of caffeine, we advise that children, or other people sensitive to caffeine, should only consume caffeine in moderation. Pregnant and breast-feeding women are advised not to have more than 200mg of caffeine over the course of a day. This is roughly two mugs of instant coffee or one mug of filter coffee. Drinks like espresso and lattes, which are made from ground coffee, typically contain higher levels of caffeine per mug.
When purchasing energy drinks of ‘energy shots’ containing caffeine, we advise that you always check the label to see how much caffeine the product contains.

What will the label tell me?
The Food Information (assimilated Regulation (EU) 1169/2011) requires specific labelling for high caffeine drinks and foods where caffeine has been added for a physiological effect. This labelling helps consumers to identify foods with high caffeine content in those products where they may not expect to find it.

Caffeine in drinks:
Drinks that contain caffeine from whatever source at a level over 150mg per litre (mg/l) must state: ‘High caffeine content. Not recommended for children or pregnant or breast-feeding women’.
This must be in the same field of vision as the name of the product, along with the amount of caffeine expressed in mg per 100ml.

Caffeine in foods:
Foods (other than drinks) to which caffeine is added for a physiological purpose must state: ‘Contains caffeine. Not recommended for children or pregnant women’.
This must be in the same field of vision as the name of the food along with the amount of caffeine in mg per 100g or per 100ml.